Macon County Dept. of Social Services
R. Patrick Betancourt, Director
1832 Lakeside Drive
Franklin, NC 28734
Phone: (828) 349-2124
Fax: (828) 349-2401
Macon County • Department of Social Services
Report Child Abuse
To report suspected child abuse or neglect, please call Child Protective Services Intake at (828) 349-2124 or 911 after working hours or weekends. You do not have to reveal your identity when you call.
North Carolina State law requires that all counties provide Child Protective Services in order to ensure the safety of all children in the state. The Department of Social Services is the agency that receives all reports of neglect or abuse, investigates those reports and provides services to maltreated children to prevent abuse or neglect from recurring. We strive to ensure and strengthen a parent or caretaker’s capacity to protect and nurture their children while maintaining the safety of those children in their own homes or in an appropriate alternative arrangement.
Signs of Possible Physical Abuse
- Unexplained bruises in various stages of healing
- Self-destructive behaviors
- Welts, human bite marks, bald spots
- Unexplained burns - especially cigarette burns or glove-like burns
- Unexplained fractures, injuries or abrasions
- Nervousness, hyperactivity, aggressiveness, disruptive and destructive behaviors
- Unusual wariness of physical contact
- Fear of parent or caretaker
- Lack of expressed emotion
- Unduly shy, withdrawn and passive
Signs of Possible Sexual Abuse
- Exhibiting sexual behaviors that are not appropriate for the child's age
- A detailed and sophisticated understanding of sexual behavior
- Reversion to behaviors such as bed-wetting, speech loss and thumb-sucking
- Sleep disturbances or nightmares
- Pain, itching, bruising or bleeding in the genital area
- Venereal disease
- Frequent urinary tract or yeast infections
- Exhibiting delinquent or aggressive behaviors
- Showing signs of depression
- Displaying self-injurious behaviors such as substance abuse, self-mutilation, suicide attempts, prostitution or running away
Signs of Possible Emotional Abuse
- Speech disorders
- Delayed physical or emotional development
- Ulcers, asthma, severe allergies
- Habit disorders such as sucking or rocking
- Unduly passive and undemanding
- Extremely demanding, aggressive or angry behavior
- Antisocial, destructive attitude
- Depressed or suicidal tendencies
- Attention-seeking activities
- Delinquent behavior - especially in adolescents
Signs of Possible Neglect
- Abandonment by parent or caregiver
- Unattended medical needs
- Consistent lack of supervision
- Consistent hunger, inappropriate dress, poor hygiene
- Lice, distended stomach
- Poor social skills
- Indiscriminate about his/her affection
- Pale, listless, begs or steals food, frequent absences from school
- Falls asleep in class, regularly displays fatigue
- Self-destructive behaviors
For additional information and free online training on recognizing and responding to child maltreatment,
please visit Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina's website
here . |